My Living LegacyRoad to Legacy | Episode 21TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190696 Be the same! No matter where you are or who you’re with, there’s only one you and that’s who you were created to be. In
My Living LegacyRoad to Legacy | Episode 20TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190711 If you are facing obstacles right now, take comfort in the fact that you’re probably trying to do something great. People who just coast through
My Living LegacyBody | My Living Legacy | Ep. 5TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190707 In this episode, we talk about the body and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle!
My Living LegacyRoad to Legacy | Episode 19TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190664 DO…IT…ANYWAY. Small phrase, huge impact. In the last three years, Tyler has gone from unemployed to $650,000 a year by waging war on personal change.
My Living LegacyRoad to Legacy | Episode 16TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190654 We need to be able to create space for people to open up, and the only way to do that is to be vulnerable ourselves.
My Living LegacyRoad to Legacy | Episode 16TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190721 What’s you’re excuse? They are SUBTLE, SEDUCTIVE, and BELIEVABLE. If you get rid of the excuses, you get rid of the handcuffs holding that are
My Living LegacyRoad To Legacy | Episode 15TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190668 What does it mean to have an abundance mindset? To me, it means being radically generous. In the last three years, Tyler has gone from
My Living LegacyBusiness | My Living Legacy | Ep. 4TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190682 In this episode, we talk about the ups and downs of running a business as well as the importance of utilizing social media to enhance
My Living LegacyRoad to Legacy | Episode 14TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190683 Are you chasing hustle or are you chasing gifts? Go all in on those natural skills and abilities you were born with and build an
My Living LegacyRoad To Legacy | Episode 13TJH EditorJanuary 15, 2019 by TJH EditorJanuary 15, 20190745 I wish everyone could go through some traumatic event when they’re young so they could get on the path that will lead to success early.